A bit delayed in posting this idea but it’s something that is SO simple, it can be a decorating hack for every fall season moving forward. So what is this simple decorating hack? Flowers from your garden for FALL, not just summer! Keep reading to see what I mean.
I’m pretty much terrible at gardening but year after year I TRY and I think that’s worth something. (It’s not.) We have hydrangeas in our yard that were either here when we moved in or we planted some….and I’m thankful that they do pretty well on their own with little help. At the end of August this year, I decided to cut some fresh stems that turned in color but were not yet fully gone of their color. I let them dry out in a vase with no water so they can be used as dry floral decor.

That’s it! That was the simple, yet beautiful decor hack and I’m excited to do it again next year too! I am sure the color each year will vary so it will be so fun to see what they look like each fall.

I’m sure it’s something you have already done in the past, but if it’s not! I highly suggest cutting some hydrangeas at the end of August to use as FALL decorations rather than just cutting to have fresh hydrangeas in the summer!
We have a few types of hydrangeas in our yard but I took the ones that are usually either blue or pink (Hydrangea macrophylla if we are being horticulturally correct). They usually start to dull and turn slightly yellow towards the end of the season so that’s when I cut them. Some gardeners cut their hydrangeas at the end of the summer and some at the beginning of spring so either option is ok to allow the plant to flower every year. We also have some limelight hydrangeas but they don’t look as pretty or full towards the end of the season like these. I cut them, then put them in this vase without water and they dried down to such pretty colors!
Can’t wait to see you try this hack next year!

Remember to save this post for inspiration and tag me when you try this decor hack out!