I usually get really overwhelmed with all of these gift guides this time of year. I never find ones with actual good gift ideas or things I would want/use or things that are practical to buy for myself or my husband. We have decided to just gift each other stocking stuffers the past couple years and focus on doing things or going away somewhere instead full on gifts. I gathered some ideas for stocking stuffers that would make great gifts and are things that I would truly LOVE to get as a gift or already use every day! Hopefully these will be useful stocking stuffer ideas for you to add to your wish list or for someone to get you! Most of these can still be purchased last minute online or in store, so it’s a double win!

Stockin Stuffer Ideas for Her
Summer Fridays lip balm
Coffee gift card- a local coffee shop like Rook where we live is best!
Favorite candy- Ferrero Rochers or other special candies that they love during this time are great!
Favorite seasonal candle scent– my personal favorites this year are Christmas Cider and The Perfect Christmas from Bath & Body Works
Ear muffs– Alo Yoga has such cute ones!